The Correlation Between the Managerial Competence of School Principal, School Climate, and Teacher's Work Spirit with the Work Commitment at Private High School Teacher in Banjarmasin
1Rizky Pratama Putra Perkasa,2Ahmad Suriansyah,3Ngadimun
1,2,3 Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-37

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The success of education lies in the commitment of teachers to make it happen; therefore, teachers are required to increase work commitments further optimally so that success can be achieved. Several things can strengthen the teacher's work commitment, including the managerial competence of the principal, the school climate, and the teacher’s morale. This study aims to analyze the direct correlation between the principal's managerial competence and the teacher's work commitment, the school climate with the teacher's work commitment, the teacher's morale with the teacher's work commitment, the principal's managerial competence with the school climate, the managerial competence of the head of the school with the teacher's morale. It also analyzes the indirect correlation of the principal's managerial competence with the teacher's work commitment through the school climate and the indirect correlation of the principal's managerial competence with the teacher's work commitment through the teacher's morale. This research uses an influential method with a descriptive-quantitative approach with path analysis. The study sample was 148 teachers. Data collection was carried out using instruments consisting of the principal's managerial competence (67 items), school climate (15 items), teacher morale (23 items), and teacher work commitment (25 items) which has been tested for validity and reliability. This research instrument was tested for validity and reliability using a product-moment person correlation test. The research data were analyzed using path analysis to see the direct and indirect correlations between variables by conducting normality and linearity tests. The results showed that there was a positive and significant direct correlation between the principal's managerial competence and the teacher's work commitment, the school climate with the teacher's work commitment, the teacher's morale with the teacher's work commitment, the principal's managerial competence with the school climate, and the principal's managerial competence with the teacher's morale. Moreover, there is a positive and significant indirect correlation between the principal's managerial competence and the teacher's work commitment through the school climate and the indirect correlation between the principal's managerial competence and the teacher's work commitment through the teacher's morale.


principal managerial competence, school climate, teacher morale, work commitment.


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